Lets Imagine

Let's Imagine is dedicated to the spirit of creativity, the quest for knowledge, and to children of all ages.

Started by Judy Chovan and based on her experiences in education and exhibit design;

Let's Imagine seeks to create environments in which we can enjoy learning of

the the world around us.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Click here for the online Christmas Edition of The Eagle Cove Gazette

Judy's graduation on June 17th, and Bob's retirement on June 30th, was the start of a wild summer on the road. We are back on the Island overseeing the house construction and begining to relax and enjoy. Our adventures are mostly under the Featured Story and News pages and our new house under Eagle Cove. Please visit and send us you comments.


Adventures in Antarctica, January 2009


 Bhutan Sacred Summits Trip, October 2009